Listening to music is one of the most relaxing ways any human being can ever imagine. Although most of us have different tastes, the availability of different kinds of music in different genres has enabled people to listen to what they want according to how they feel at the moment. We sometimes cannot tell how the musician is feeling, but the message can impact us in various ways depending on what we are going through in our lives. For instance, the judy mitoma group has been passing music about climate change. So, if you are a musician, or aspire to be one or just singing for fun, here are tips on how to express emotions through music.
Express yourself through music?
Expressing sadness
Heart broken, beaten down or feeling so low; then tears can do wonders to express this feeling. Most of us go through tough situations in life. Although we can talk about some things in life, sometimes the level of hurt or pain can be so intense in such a way that singing becomes the only option to express how we have been affected by something. It can be a loss of a loved one, break up. Listeners will be able to listen to the message and watch your facial reaction to correlate with this feeling. You can not smile while expressing sadness, only tears and a sad look can be appropriate.
Expressing Joy
Feeling pumped up? Excited? Happy? Then express it through music. This is a ‘good feeling’ mood whereby, you as a singer can express your joy over a certain situation to your listeners. Many things can make us happy. New relationships, blessings from God, good health and a good life in general. So, smiling, laughing and a joyous face can express this emotion very well. The message in the music also has to be merry. No one will like to see a smiling face over a sad situation being expressed in your song. So, compose a song or sing a song that relates to your emotions and behaves like it!
Did someone hurt your feelings? Well, there are a lot of people going through the same situation and plenty of songs to suit this emotion. Life sometimes gets us very angry. When things go wrong or feel like life is weighing us down, we become angry. Expressing anger can be a little intimidating. Some music composers express this emotion differently like punching gym bags, breaking things, crying or throwing stuff. It is not hard to express anger, but a facial expression of sadness can work perfectly. Who smiles when angry anyway?
One rule of the thumb, express what you currently feel. You cannot act a feeling. So, be yourself. You cannot fake a feeling to entice your audience. You have to act like it, and in most cases, many professional singers and music composers will always advise you that if you can feel what you are talking about it can be easy to express it. So, feel it, and effortlessly you will be able to express it. It is easy to express any emotion in music as long as you feel the emotion yourself.